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Stick to current climate change laws, US tells top UN court
A key transcription factor unlocks new potential in stem cell-based embryo models
Supreme Court could narrow the scope of federal environmental reviews
Purple crabs clobber blue carbon: Study shows how they disrupt carbon cycling in salt marshes along US East Coast
New pathway found for regulating zinc in E. coli
AI Jesus might 'listen' to your confession, but it can't absolve your sins. A scholar of Catholicism explains
Why you shouldn't lie to your children about Father Christmas, according to philosophers
Webb finds new galaxies in Spiderweb protocluster field
ZnO-based nanoplatforms show potential for early cancer screening
Investigating seasonal effects on health-promoting compounds in cabbage varieties
Q&A: How China tariffs could backfire on US—scholar says higher prices, supply-chain disruptions for Americans
Liquid water molecules are inherently asymmetric: New insight into the bonds between water molecules
Detailed analysis discovers the deadly combination that triggered Nepal's catastrophic 2021 flood
Astronomers close to solving mystery of how universe's giant galaxies formed
Discovery of molecular switch explains how bacteria control their protein biosynthesis through cell metabolism
Study confirms two forms of longtooth groupers in Asia are separate species of fish
Looking for work? Your mindset could be hampering your search
Assessing the sustainability of the Pacific walrus population over the next 75 years
AI model enables reliable and accurate protein-ligand complex prediction
Spotify users SLAM Spotify Wrapped for being 'boring' this year - as one vents 'this stinks of AI'
Mail Online
New details about impact of massive asteroid that hit the US revealed
Mail Online
Ultra-stable Ag₃₀ nanoclusters with metallic aromaticity show promise for optoelectronic devices
Serious side effect of using CRISPR-Cas gene scissors uncovered: AZD7648 molecule can destroy parts of genome
Silver nanoparticles trapped within a polymer matrix allow for precise color control in anti-counterfeiting technology
Retailers can boost profits while improving eating habits of clientele, convenience store experiment reveals
Ancient maize genomes reveal the early evolutionary history of commercially important flint and dent varieties
Ancient texts reveal how Mesopotamian humans experienced emotions in their bodies
Rainforest emissions linked with new particle formation at high altitudes
Scientists discover interactions between molecular machines, potentially offering opportunities for drug development
Man with largest thumb in the world reveals daily struggles of trying to use cellphone
Mail Online
A decade-long study reveals concerning trend of young women committing online sexual offenses
The world's top 100 cities for 2024 RANKED: Paris is No.1 yet again, London drops out of the top 10, New York moves up the table - and Cairo is bottom
Mail Online
Radiocarbon aging of Indigenous culturally significant trees for bushfire management
Calls for urgent action to policy makers as research reveals real extent of human trafficking
New evidence of organic material identified on Ceres, the inner solar system's most water-rich object after Earth
China reports warmest autumn since records began
Influencer marketing doesn't need more metrics—it needs more trust and collaboration between brands and influencers
New quantum resistance standard can operate without an external magnetic field
Waste not, want not: Turning food waste into fertile soil for sustainable growth
Homeownership in early adult life in US linked to longer life, sociologist finds
Map reveals UK life expectancy according to where you live - how long is YOUR lifespan?
Mail Online
Ginger, tortie, calico—the mystery gene responsible for orange color in cat coats has been found
Antarctica's Conger ice shelf was weakening for decades before collapse, scientists find
Too many Australian students don't have the basic technology they need for school—here are 5 ways to fix this
Book examines Mississippi River's critical role in shaping early US
Why being close to a cycle network can boost house prices
Why do I get static shocks from everyday objects? Is it my shoes?
Coastal retreat in Alaska is accelerating because of compound climate impacts, researchers warn
New cluster of galaxies that 'interact with each other' defy prevailing model of our universe
Mail Online
Revealed: TikTok's top trends of 2024 - from Brat Summer to 'very demure, very mindful'
Mail Online
Ski holidays in the Alps could become a thing of the past, scientists warn - as figures reveal snowfall has plummeted by a THIRD since 1920
Mail Online
Ocean density identified as a key driver of carbon capture by marine plankton
Personal AI assistants could help astronauts on long missions
Planning autonomous surface missions on ocean worlds
Approaching the unexplored 'plasma phase-space' with data science
Large radio jet discovered in quasar J1601+3102
Neanderthals were making hand stencil rock art more than 66,000 years ago, U-series dating suggests
Best of last year: The top Phys.org articles of 2024
Children's toys offer insights into cultural adaptation in Little Ice Age Greenland
Team shows increase in food mass through photorespiratory bypass in elevated temperatures
Research reveals gender gaps in perceptions of economic security and social protections across countries
Study finds soil microbes affect flowers' ability to attract bees
New catalyst can convert methane into useful polymers
Massive asteroid impacts did not change Earth's climate in the long term, research finds
Starspot activity of the red giant XX Trianguli indicates non-periodic, chaotic dynamo
Spotify posts cryptic video ahead of Spotify Wrapped - as fans claim they know the artist it refers to
Mail Online
Death toll rises to 29 in southern Thailand floods
Can plastic-eating insects help with our microplastic problem?
Excavations uncover evidence for the emergence and rejection of the earliest state institutions in Iraq
X-ray vision: Seeing through the mystery of an X-ray emissions mechanism