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Science Magazine
Researchers crack the code of how fish embryos actively control their hatch timing
Historical outbreaks of coffee wilt disease linked to gene transfer from another fungus
Rapid surge in global warming mainly due to reduced planetary albedo, researchers suggest
Scientists identify mutation that could facilitate H5N1 bird flu virus infection and potential transmission in humans
Reflecting on 20 years of the Aceh tsunami: From 'megathrust' threat to disaster mitigation
Discovery of key protein complex shows evolution and adaptability of photosynthetic organisms
Social media platforms are throttling access to news—with far-reaching implications for democracy
Quick climate dictionary: What actually is a carbon footprint?
Scientists counted 49 ways Australia is destroying the ecosystems we hold dear—but there is hope
Scientists explore role of intestinal bacteria in cancer prevention
X-ray data-enhanced computational method can determine crystal structures of multiphase materials
Experiments show coating rice seedling with nanoscale carbon dots from durian helps rice plants thrive in salty soil
Inside what prompted FBI to urge iPhone and Android users to 'stop texting'
Mail Online
Why are boys outperforming girls in math?
Stochastic model captures microbiome interactions more precisely
What does it take to build a peaceful society? The three golden rules that make a difference
Iberian Neolithic societies had a deep knowledge of archery techniques and materials, researchers discover
Some black holes at the centers of galaxies have a buddy, but detecting these binary pairs isn't easy
Advanced hybrid controller could boost efficiency in biosynthetic production
Atlantic salmon need saving, but current conservation measures could do more harm than good
Smartphones can alert us to wildfires and extreme weather conditions
Can you choose to believe something, just like that?
A rare Venus solar transit helps unravel exoplanet atmospheres
China plans to retrieve Mars samples by 2031
Europe's troubled Vega-C rocket to launch after delays
Four months of camera collar footage provide unprecedented insights into the lives of threatened Andean bears
Particle research gets closer to answering why we're here: Physicists outline next 10 years of neutrino research
'Scary' drought empties one of Bosnia's largest lakes
One in three domestic abuse victims is male. Here's why we need to talk about them
Chemists develop color-changing test for rapid salmonella detection
Peer-brokered sales central to illegal drug trade
Government needs to be clearer on food waste rules, says new UK report
Polarization photodetector that mimics desert ant offers pathway for more sensitive, miniaturized imaging systems
'Exceptional' wildfires across Americas in 2024: EU monitor
How our view of science changes: Study tracks attitudes from adolescence to adulthood
Hybrid statistical technique for predicting extreme weather events in South Florida
Longitudinal study reveals ethnic studies boosts critical thinking, equity awareness in high school students
Google says AI weather model masters 15-day forecast
Study investigating climate change models suggests impact studies should include high-sensitivity climate models
Proposed wastewater release into Cape Cod Bay likely to remain for at least one month, study finds
NASA's stuck astronauts hit 6 months in space. Just 2 more to go
Image: Interacting galaxies NGC 5257 and NGC 5258
European satellites launched to create artificial solar eclipses in a tech demo
New research explores social dimension of sustainable diets
Optimal decision-making in a school of fish uses a flexible system based on role sharing, researchers find
Four new mushroom species discovered in Sweden
Neanderthals and modern humans must be classed as separate species to best track our origins, study claims
Spectroscopy and AI method provide unique window into protein structure and mechanism of action
Researchers reveal the mechanism of runaway electron generation in tokamak fusion reactors
Study shows chimpanzees perform the same complex behaviors that have brought humans success
Not too warm and not too cold—finding the Goldilocks Zone of the Great Barrier Reef
Thin coating of MXene material could replace thick layers of insulation
Satellite data show human fingerprint on forest disturbance across regions
Chimpanzees use different types of memory to find insects hidden underground, study finds
Tyrannosaur teeth discovered in Bexhill-on-Sea with help of retired quarryman
Slow atomic movements shed new light on unconventional superconductivity
In experiments, superconducting qubit baths give clean simulation of quantum transport
Modeling tool enhances understanding of RNA modifications in individual cells
Some minerals seen on Mars today may have formed in liquid CO₂ instead of water
Gene editing and plant domestication essential to protect food supplies in a worsening climate, scientists say
MeerKAT confirms the gravitational wave background of the universe in record time
Woke scientist claims telling your children Santa is real is 'unethical'
Mail Online
Could we use an asteroid to shield astronauts on their way to Mars?
Scientists develop ultrasound-based technique as a tool for directing cell growth and orientation
El Alamein's ruins offer a glimpse into Greco-Roman civilization and a significant WWII battle
Lessons from Earth's hottest epoch in the last 65 million years: How global warming could shrink the tropics' rain belt
Slingshot spiders listen to fire off ballistic webs when they hear mosquitoes within range
Amateur dinosaur hunter finds evidence that T.Rex's COUSIN roamed East Sussex 135 million years ago
Mail Online