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Engineers develop microfluidic protocol to extract and purify DNA
Revealed: The celebrity doppelgangers who look most alike, according to science - so, can you tell who is who?
Mail Online
Soap's maze-solving skills could unlock secrets of the human body
Cracking the code: Why platinum electrodes corrode
Just how cold did Texas get during recent winter blast? Alligators froze in solid ice
Nature exposure in schools boosts student attention and memory
School-based program for newcomer students boosts mental health, research shows
Scientists predict what will be top of the crops in the UK by 2080 due to climate change
Chronic wasting disease detected in Georgia deer for the first time
Behavior-based dependency networks can shape the resilience of cities following economic shocks
Stone of Destiny mystery is SOLVED: Scientist decodes the meaning of the Roman numerals etched into the mystical rock that helped crown King Charles
Mail Online
Electric cars are now MORE reliable than their petrol and diesel counterparts, study claims
Mail Online
New method enables protein labeling of tens of millions of densely packed cells in organ-scale tissues
Quantum computer efficiently suppresses errors with two different correction codes
242 mn children's schooling disrupted by climate shocks in 2024: UNICEF
Ice in the sky: Thailand's fight against air pollution
How dementia could be linked to air pollution in early life
The Guardian
NASA JPL prepping for full year of launches, mission milestones
An underestimated source of methane found in shallow coastal waters
The sinister truth behind Texas Roadhouse's iconic rolls
Mail Online
Terahertz pulses induce chirality in a non-chiral crystal
Possible evidence of bird flu vaccinations driving virus evolution
Alternative protein sources: Improving the mouthfeel of plant-based foods with fava beans
Offline versus online promotional media: Which drives better consumer engagement and behavioral responses?
Harvest smarter, not harder: Machine learning meets tomato farming
Cosmological data suggest the universe has become 'messier and more complicated'
Bacteria found to eat forever chemicals, and even some of their toxic byproducts
Physicists propose 'bridge' strategy to stabilize quantum networks
Protein denaturation provides a path toward more sustainable 3D printing of photoresins
Toward video generative models of the molecular world
How we uncovered the UK's biggest site of dinosaur tracks in a quarry in Oxfordshire
More acidic oceans may affect the sex of oysters
New Oxford report: Carbon capture and storage without taxpayer billions is possible
Trump returns: Nine things to expect for the climate
Mixing silicon with 2D materials for new energy-efficient semiconductor tech
Electron spin resonance sheds light on tin-based perovskite solar cell efficiency
Super enzyme that regulates testosterone levels in males discovered in 'crazy' bird species
News at a glance: Space X competitor, cancer institute leader, and the U.S. exit from Paris
Science Magazine
Will a new generation of water-splitting devices help green hydrogen replace fossil fuels?
Science Magazine
Lysosomal dysfunction and inflammatory sterol metabolism in pulmonary arterial hypertension | Science
Science Magazine
Antarctic krill vertical migrations modulate seasonal carbon export | Science
Science Magazine
Highly multiplexed spatial transcriptomics in bacteria | Science
Science Magazine
Identification of the subventricular tegmental nucleus as brainstem reward center | Science
Science Magazine
A single gene orchestrates androgen variation underlying male mating morphs in ruffs | Science
Science Magazine
Mechanically robust and stretchable organic solar cells plasticized by small-molecule acceptors | Science
Science Magazine
Atomic locations and adsorbate interactions of Al single and pair sites in H-ZSM-5 zeolite | Science
Science Magazine
Ductilization of 2.6-GPa alloys via short-range ordered interfaces and supranano precipitates | Science
Science Magazine
Tanzania’s effective trophy hunting laws | Science
Science Magazine
Behaviorally designed training leads to more diverse hiring | Science
Science Magazine
Systematic identification of Y-chromosome gene functions in mouse spermatogenesis | Science
Science Magazine
Spatial resolution for forest carbon maps | Science
Science Magazine
A path to US Tribal energy sovereignty | Science
Science Magazine
In search of the female form | Science
Science Magazine
Chirality à la carte | Science
Science Magazine
Adaptations in surprising places | Science
Science Magazine
Decoding lysosome communication | Science
Science Magazine
Expanding the brain’s terrain for reward | Science
Science Magazine
Scientists as advocates | Science
Science Magazine
Citizen of science | Science
Science Magazine
In Science Journals | Science
Science Magazine
In Other Journals | Science
Science Magazine
New tool enables phylogenomic analyses of entire genomes
The moon has been listed as a threatened historic site, but the value of 'lunar heritage' needs defining
How global inequalities hinder climate action
Overnight firefight tames new California blaze
Discovery in South Africa holds oldest evidence of mixing ingredients to make arrow poison
Self-supervised learning approach can test 20 million cells or more
Molecular mechanism reveals how hairy mussels achieve reversible underwater adhesion
From root to shoot: How silicon powers plant resilience
China is struggling to control its provinces as they expand distant-water fishing