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Why the first stars couldn't grow forever
Dynamically stable large space structures via architected metamaterials
Planet formation favors the metal-rich inner Milky Way, suggest scientists
Juno mission spots most powerful volcanic activity on Io to date
Scientists create 'molecular trap' to remove pollutants from water
'Doomsday Clock' moves closer to midnight amid threats of climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, AI
Kenya study highlights complexity of tree-planting schemes
Study suggests women struggle in the boardroom to promote social responsibility initiatives
Large magma bodies found beneath dormant volcanoes, surprising scientists
An overlooked nuclear force helps keep matter stable, study reveals
Peculiar icy objects in outer reaches of the Milky Way perplex astronomers
How a multitasking protein keeps the body's clock in sync
Novel enzyme profiling method identifies top candidates for plastic recycling
Mouse with two fathers survives to adulthood, marking scientific milestone
Escaping the endosome: BEND lipids improve LNP mRNA delivery and gene editing
New numbering system standardizes protein domain comparison for better research
High-brilliance synchrotron radiation helps identify best composition for half-metal alloys
Scientists reveal the surprising flirting tactic that's almost guaranteed to bag you a date
Mail Online
In Malawi, community-led reforestation enhances agriculture and climate resilience
Global study identifies national and gender differences in exclusionary behavior
Extreme Heat Could Kill Millions of People in Europe, Study Warns
Mapping Antarctica's hidden ice-free lands: A blueprint for conservation
How newspaper coverage is being shaped by paywalls
You don't have to be a net zero hero—how focus on personal climate action can distract from systemic problems
What 'deep listening' can tell us about the natural world and our place in it
Breakups are more painful for MEN because they're more emotionally invested in relationships than women, study claims
Mail Online
Maine's 3.8 magnitude earthquake should serve as 'conversation starter for preparedness,' expert says
Keeping the steps of cell division in line: Research investigates protein cyclin B's role
Changing jobs is a big move but it's worth considering if your workplace is toxic
Biomimetic polymerization: Liquid crystals enable chiral polymer synthesis
What Davos delegates missed when they discussed green finance for business
From sky to sea: Drones transform wildlife research with non-invasive techniques
Fermented clothing? How the biofilm on kombucha can be turned into green textiles
UK's first AI classroom without teachers sparks debate
Trump pulls out of WHO and Paris—how did international bodies get through deglobalization last time around?
Q&A: How rate of CO₂ rise can affect a global ocean current
Forgery and fiscal fraud: New papyrus from Israel reveals a spectacular criminal case from the Roman empire
SpaceX checks off launch No. 9 from Florida's Space Coast
New model provides a 'smart' way to tackle employee burnout
Sprouted legumes are healthier, but what is going on when they sprout?
Microplastics found in the brains of mice within hours of consumption
How Tahlequah and her dead calf tell the story of climate change
What 'mass deportation' means for housing costs
DNA 'fingerprints' of drug-makers can be linked to capsules and packaging
'DNA doesn't lie': Study illuminates genetic diversity in North American thoroughbreds
Hummingbird flower mites found to use electroreception to hitch rides on hummingbirds between flowers
Plant-based substitute for fossil fuels developed for plastic foams
Archaeologists find 'lost' site depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry
Cataclysmic variable V1425 Aql has an arc-shaped nova shell, observations find
Animal-borne cameras offer new insights into predator-prey interactions in nature
Trapped-ion processor demonstrates verifiable quantum random sampling
Outbursts from black holes help them sustain themselves, Chandra study shows
Fast-moving fires torch national parks in southeast Australia
Ocean warming has more than QUADRUPLED over the past 40 years - and scientists say there's only one way to slow it down
Mail Online
GMO scrutiny convention to start April 20: UN
Super-Earth discovery reveals an exoplanet potentially capable of sustaining life
Ocean-surface warming has more than quadrupled since the late-1980s, study shows
Air pollution inequities linked to industrial swine facilities are detectable from space
Shocking images reveal the cities that 'will be flooded by global warming by 2100 as sea levels rise by up to 6.2 FEET'- so, can you tell where they are?
Mail Online
Advanced radio telescope technology 'sifts' space for mysteries
Lost site depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry is DISCOVERED after 900 years: Archaeologists pinpoint the residence of Harold, the last Anglo-Saxon King of England
Mail Online
A new framework could enhance the rigor and impact of criminal justice intervention evaluations
Ingenuity measurements reveal surprising wind speeds on Mars
A new experimental system to bring quantum technologies closer to students
Teens uncertain how to assess online information, German study finds
'Last Ice Area' in the Arctic could disappear much sooner than previously thought
Dwarf planet Ceres may have received organic material from space objects
Fast radio bursts appear to be caused by young neutron stars
Even more planets may be hiding in Kepler's fields
Vision-based navigation system enables satellites to approach or avoid other objects in space